18 evaluation
a group for unit 18 i think we did good because we stuck as a group most of the
way through the unit but we just did the work that we had to do, i mostly
enjoyed doing the work as a group because it didn't take as long to do some of
the work, i have more work being in the group compared to the work i did
independently, the things that we could of improved on is the film making for
our advert because no one really wanted to do the recording and be recorded for
the advertisement, another thing that i think could of been improved was the
editing of the advertisement because i think that the advert lags on a bit. My main
role in the team was acting because no one else wanted to be recorded and they didn’t
pay much attention to the group after the recording. The planning as a group for
the advertising was good because everyone pulled their weight at the start and
then the group kind of drifted away when it came to recording the
advertisement. I think that my final individual print advert was a bus advert
because I wanted to experiment with different layouts on a bus and what it
would look like but for my final choice I chose the bus rear because it looked
better than the different layouts I did on the bus, I also did one on the tube
but It didn’t look very good because most of it got cut out. If I was to do
this assignment again I would chose to do a different advert idea because I didn’t
really like the advert that I did in my group and see what it is like to do a
different idea for an advert.
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