Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Unit 18 evaluation

Unit 18 evaluation

as a group for unit 18 i think we did good because we stuck as a group most of the way through the unit but we just did the work that we had to do, i mostly enjoyed doing the work as a group because it didn't take as long to do some of the work, i have more work being in the group compared to the work i did independently, the things that we could of improved on is the film making for our advert because no one really wanted to do the recording and be recorded for the advertisement, another thing that i think could of been improved was the editing of the advertisement because i think that the advert lags on a bit. My main role in the team was acting because no one else wanted to be recorded and they didn’t pay much attention to the group after the recording. The planning as a group for the advertising was good because everyone pulled their weight at the start and then the group kind of drifted away when it came to recording the advertisement. I think that my final individual print advert was a bus advert because I wanted to experiment with different layouts on a bus and what it would look like but for my final choice I chose the bus rear because it looked better than the different layouts I did on the bus, I also did one on the tube but It didn’t look very good because most of it got cut out. If I was to do this assignment again I would chose to do a different advert idea because I didn’t really like the advert that I did in my group and see what it is like to do a different idea for an advert.

pitch photos

unit 18 feedback sheet

Presentation: Teacher Assessment

Members of the group: Jack, George, Laura, Luke

Their Product: Prestige Worldwide – Bubble Deluxe

Grading Criteria

P1, M1, D1
Have they communicated information and ideas in discussions about media production with sufficient clarity to be understood
P2, M2, D2
Have they used software to create their presentation?
P3, M3, D3
Have they addressed and interacted with the
audience appropriately
P4, M4, D4
Have they presented information and ideas for media production
Appropriately in written
formats with sufficient clarity to be understood
P5, M5, D5
Have they checked their presentation for spelling, grammar etc

Some good clarity but at times had not thought as a group relevant info – channels and times when TV advert could be shown
Yes, looked at audiencea
Pro’s spent wrong
Some clarity but at times had not thought as a group relevant info – channels and times when TV advert could be shown. Little engaging with audience. Spoke little.
Yes, looked at audience
Pro’s spent wrong
Some clarity but at times had not thought as a group relevant info – channels and times when TV advert could be shown
Yes, looked at audience
Pro’s spent wrong
Some clarity but at times had not thought as a group relevant info – channels and times when TV advert could be shown. Little engaging with audience. Spoke little.
Yes, looked at audience
Pro’s spent wrong

Action Plan (to improve grade):

I understand the contents of this action plan and realise that it is up to me to act on the advice given
Student Signature:                                                                        Date:
Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

job fact file, script supervisor

Script Supervisor

the roles and responsibilities of being a script supervisor is:

The script supervisor’s responsibility to monitor whether it is possible for every shot scene they take that has to be edited goes into a verbally and visually coherent sequence. During the preproduction they check the script for any errors or inconsistencies in the scene.

the qualifications to be a script supervisor is:

University of the Arts London Level 4 Diploma for Script Supervisors. Script Supervisors work as part of the Camera Department on feature films and television

if you want to be a script supervisor you need to have had a little experience at school and if you go to a movie school you can get your qualification to be a script supervisor 

Monday, 1 June 2015


unit 1

Why would you complete research if you were creating a new media product?
  • To find out if your target audience would buy your product
  • To find out how much you could sell your product for
  • To find out how to make your product more appealing to your target audience
  • To find out how to market your product to your target audience
Find definitions of the 4 research methods and give your opinions as to advantages/disadvantages for each one.



Carried out tests, experiments investigations to get data first-hand, rather than having to gather it from published sources

Data could be more accurate. Therefore this can help make data to be more valid
Participants may be feeling tired and perform as well. This can cause data to be less valid because participants aren't working to their potential. 


Information gathered from things such as studies and reports for example from businesses or trade associations.
Less time consuming.
This allows researchers to collect data without wasting much time. 
The information may have changed since the report was last updated. This can cause data to be less accurate



Findings that will be numerical based and can help the researcher estimate future events.
Can help estimate future events.
This can help researchers in making sure the event is to a standard the audience wants
The findings may not always be completely accurate. This can cause data to lack validity and cause in-accurate data.



Researcher will gather worded data rather than numerical.
Can give detailed answers for the research. Allowing data to be more accurate and valid which can help in future research. 
Time consuming. This causes the researcher to spend more time on research and waste time they could be using to put the data to use.

What research techniques (e.g. using the library, the internet, watching videos, reading info, recces, practises, plans etc) did you use when completing the assignments in year 11 for Unit 9 (Photography Techniques) and Unit 18 (Advertising) ?

Research techniques I used whilst making my Music Video and Crime Drama was mostly the internet, watching videos, and plans.
Whilst making my Festival Bag I used the internet and reading information as research.

What research methods (e.g. primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative) did you use when completing the assignments in year 11 for Unit 9 (Photography Techniques) and Unit 18 (Advertising) ?

Whilst completing assignments in year 10 I used secondary research and qualitative research

If you didn’t use some of the methods in year 11, would use you them if you were to do your projects again?
How and why would you do this?

If I were to do my Crime Drama again I would use qualitative data to see what crime drama programmes gets the most views and make mine similar.

How did you collate, store and use the information when researching for your year 11 units?
(e.g. did you book mark key websites? Keep a list of websites used? Print off or save any info for your folders?)

To ensure I remembered key websites to help with my research I bookmarked important websites or copy and pasted the websites name onto a word document.

what people think

Photo shop skills:  bad              average              good
Exhibition layout:  bad              average              good
Exhibition name:   bad              average              good
Is my topic clear:   bad              average              good
How can I make my exhibition look better: have more photos
Can you identify any weakness: a few photos are blurry

Photo shop skills:  bad              average              good
Exhibition layout:  bad              average              good
Exhibition name:   bad              average              good
Is my topic clear:   bad              average              good
How can I make my exhibition look better: more effort
Can you identify any weakness: no

Photo shop skills:  bad              average              good
Exhibition layout:  bad              average              good
Exhibition name:   bad              average              good
Is my topic clear:   bad              average              good
How can I make my exhibition look better: you cant
Can you identify any weakness: try to focus on  the photo more
Photo shop skills:  bad              average              good
Exhibition layout:  bad              average              good
Exhibition name:   bad              average              good
Is my topic clear:   bad              average              good
How can I make my exhibition look better:
Can you identify any weakness:

Photo shop skills:  bad              average              good
Exhibition layout:  bad              average              good
Exhibition name:   bad              average              good
Is my topic clear:   bad              average              good
How can I make my exhibition look better:
Can you identify any weakness: