Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Research of a similar product

Research of a similar product

Juicy Fruit 

Slogan: "The Taste is Gonna Move Ya" 
The company was introduced in 1893.
When the product first came out it was in a
plain packaging and "JUICY FRUIT" in red.

The bright yellow background helps the product to stand out to customers. 

Juicy Fruit was taken off of the civilian market temporarily during World War II because of ingredient shortages. The gum was re-introduced to the general product after the war had ended and the striped packaging was replaced by a packaging with a bright yellow background.                       

This print advert shows that the chewing gum is unique and this will attract customers.
The product is aimed at people who want have a good tasting gum. 
The advert they have used is serious and it shows that this gum is serious and they really do mean that the gum is "Different" and "Delicious".

print advert

 laura website banner

Laura magazine advert

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

crook plot

At the beginning there is a murderer that goes around killing people for random reasons and it is down to Kathryn Townsdon to descover the identity of the Crook.




Evil Villain:

(Whilst Smoking a cigarette)

-          I’m the one that you should be scared of



(Scene cuts to high angle shot of the Detective Inspector)

(Cut’s to/from the school and the Detective Inspector)

(The school blows up)

(The Detective Inspector falls over with a shocked look on his face)

(All the other police run over and try and help)

(Camera moves from Low angle right round the entire Detective Inspector)


story board


Monday, 18 May 2015

mind map

production schedule

unit 21

Unit 21: Creative Media Production Project
Candidate Name: SMITH, Luke

Assignment 1 – Ideas / Research - pass
Grading Criteria
P1, M1, D1

Task 1
Inspiration – mind map of idea
Task 2
Task 3

Assignment 2: Pre-Production - pass
Grading Criteria
P2, M2, D2
Task 1
Pre-Production evidence


Assignment 3: Product - merit
Grading Criteria
P3, M3, D3
Task 1

Assignment 4: Review / Evaluation - merit
Grading Criteria
P4, M4, D4
Task 1
Produce review / evaluation


Teacher Feedback (to improve grade):

Assignment 1 – Ideas / Research
Task 1: a brief mind map showing your ideas
Task 2: some brief research, good inclusion of video
Task 3: a brief proposal more detail needed for a higher grade

Assignment 2: Pre-Production
All areas covered well, more detail needed in parts

Assignment 3: Product
A good stop animation, good use of techniques, well done

Assignment 4: Review / Evaluation
A really well written evaluation luke well done. Shows the process well and describes your strengths and weaknesses well.

Student Improvement Plan (to improve grade):
I understand the contents of this action plan and realise that it is up to me to act on the advice given. I will…..

Student Signature:

Assessor name: AJO

Assessor signature:

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

group ideas

The Creative Brief Team Meeting of Ideas

Team Member
Ideas for Names & Slogans
Ideas for colour schemes
Positives about their ideas
Negatives about their ideas

George Gulliver

Bubble Deluxe

For them luxurious bubble blowing moments
Green and black
Good name and slogan
Colours are dull

Jack Honess


Bursting with luxurious flavours

red, blue, green, yellow
Rainbow colours
Name isn’t very exciting

Laura Mckiernan


Blue and white

Luke Smith
Chew Chew

The bursting flavour
Green and blue
Repeating the name

Final Chosen Name

Final Chosen Slogan

Final Chosen Colour Scheme

Who will your target audience be?

Any Other Final Decisions

Bubble Deluxe

Bursting with luxurious flavours

Green and blue