Friday, 6 June 2014

music video group ideas

Ideas for video
1 George
Florescent adolescent
Artic monkeys
Someone having a trippy dream? People messing around
2 jack
Florescent adolescent
Artic monkeys
Trippy dream
3 Luke
Florescent adolescent
Artic monkeys
Flash back into someone’s dream (happy, sad and emotional)
Groups Final Decision: Song =  florecent adolecent                               Artist = artic mokeys
Group ideas for video = 
Someone having a trippy dream? People messing around
Trippy dream
Flash back into someone’s dream (happy, sad and emotional)


Thursday, 5 June 2014

music videos

ú  Performance         
- a performance video is where someone is lip singing or dancing along to the music to perform the things in the music video.
- where someone is singing along with the song

ú  Narrative 
- story line

ú  Conceptual
- weird/different